07876 565546
After the fire, ashes.
After the rain, growth
The Human Givens approach
The Human Givens approach derives from the understanding that when essential emotional needs are met, and our innate mental resources are used correctly, a human being will be emotionally and mentally healthy.
Decades of health and social research identifies essential psychological and emotional needs as including the needs for autonomy, sense of control, security, connection to others, attention, achievement, status and meaning. Innate resources, studied by neuroscientists, include our abilities to learn from experience, judge, relate one thing to another, empathise and build rapport, problem solve, remember, plan and use our imaginations productively.
When any of our needs are unmet or out of balance or our resources are damaged or misused mental and emotional ill health develops for an individual or within a workplace environment.
The Human Givens approach combines proven therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive, behavioural or interpersonal therapy, solution focused approaches, motivational interviewing, reflective listening and guided imagery, alongside the latest neuroscientific findings which is continually increasing our knowledge of what it means to be human and our understanding of what people need to maintain emotional wellbeing.
Thus, the Human Givens approach is not reliant on one ‘model’ of therapy. It is flexible and fluid, making use of whatever techniques and approaches will best suit the client, and working within a guiding framework based on meeting unmet emotional needs and using innate mental resources in positive ways.
Whether it is for individual therapy or workplace wellbeing the principles are universal and can be applied in any situation where unmet needs and incorrect use of mental resources are causing damaging consequences.
It is a practical, forward-focussed approach, concentrating on mastering skills and understanding so that people or workplaces can move on with their lives, rather than focussing on past negativity and introspection.
Thus, the approach is a holistic one with a session typically including psychoeducation, reframing, problem solving, teaching new skills and rehearsing desired changes. In the workplace it will consider the multifaceted and often competing areas to build cohesion and cooperation, productivity and profit.
From detraumatising the most horrific events in one session, to deescalating workplace conflicts and building an environment of collaboration, the Human Givens approach is a powerful friend for both individuals and businesses.
The success of the Human Givens approach is evidenced by research findings that show it helps an unprecedented three out of four clients achieve significant improvement or cure, usually between one and six sessions.
It’s not death that a person should fear.
But to fear never beginning to live
Where therapy can help
Human Givens therapy is a flexible approach utilising a combination of proven therapeutic techniques and neuroscientific findings, uniquely unconstrained by one ‘model’ of therapy allowing it to adapt to the needs of the client. Listed are six areas of emotional difficulties which frequently present in the therapeutic work. However, therapy can help in all areas of life and situations including, but not limited to, the mind-body connection, self-harm, effective pain management, improving relationships and understanding difficult behaviour.
Are you struggling with anger outbursts or excessive rage? If so, you are not alone. Aggression, both verbal and physical, is on the increase in our society.
Anxiety is a gift from nature because it aids survival. But like anything else taken to excess, acute anxiety can be problematic.
Depression is competing with Anxiety as the number one mental health problem with the fastest increase in rates of depression among young people.
Pain Management
All pain experiences are real and normal. Pain is a response from the brain when it computes for one reason or another, usually completely subconsciously, that there is a threatening situation.
Sleep Disorders
The need to sleep is a fundamental human given. Poor sleep can affect human abilities such as memory, learning and attention.
Traumatic memories may cause any or all of the following problems: panic attacks, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, sudden irrational anger bursts, depression and other unpleasant emotional states.
Workplace wellbeing
Could your business benefit from a wellbeing strategy? Have you ever considered supporting psychological health in the workplace as a competitive advantage and a financial gain?
People are central to the success of any business. Yet one in six people each year will suffer mental health issues each week. 70 million working days are lost each year in Britain costing the economy £70-100 billion. In the last 10 years the number of days lost to anxiety, depression and stress has risen by 24%.

Get in touch using the details below or fill out the form to see how Human Givens therapy can help you.
07876 565546
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